
Everything is fine (part 1)

Everything is fine (part 1)

This world is a single life form (or living organism).

“Life” manifests in this world; individual beings and phenomena unfold continually, moment by moment.

Everything is complete, as it should be.

We live, in this world of life, worrying about and doubting this and that.

Yet, even with those worries and doubts, we are complete.

This is because we worry, doubt, or receive enlightenment through the act of living itself.

We worry and doubt without realizing we are inseparable from “life” itself. This arises from the “sense of separation” we have fallen into: “I” am separate from others and all beings are individual.

However, this also attributes to the act of living itself and, as such, is complete.

In other words, you could say that “life” wishes us to worry about and doubt it.

For what purpose does life require such things, however?

I suppose no one could explain the reasons objectively, but from my own experience, I think that it can be explained as follows:

We face worries and doubts so we can fundamentally solve them. By doing this, we run into fundamental questions about life, like “who on earth am I?,” and are forced to seek thorough answers to the questions.

In the end, we realize the truth: “I” am “life.” This is enlightenment (or awakening).

This is why life has created humans with developed cerebrums.

The cerebrum is only capable of dualistic, relative thinking.

That’s where the sense of separation comes from.

We, in turn, inevitably have worries and doubts.

As we try to overcome these worries and doubts, we finally realize the sense of separation is a mistake and awaken to the truth of inseparability.

Thus, even worries and doubts play a big role, no matter what we think.

The same holds true for social suffering and confusion.

They also arise from the sense of separation we feel.

The more dire straits take hold of us socially, the more we grow to overcome it.

As a result, all human beings eventually realize this sense of separation is a mistake; we become aware of the truth of inseparability and this leads to a happy and peaceful society based on this truth.

It seems to me that this is exactly what life ultimately wishes for us; everything is a grand plan life itself has devised for our fulfillment.

Whether true or not, everything, including any personal and social circumstances, has its meaning and role; everything is fine as is, in the world of life.

After all, the world of “life” is essentially, and in all respects, a world of total security.

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